Monday, June 29, 2015

A Confession of Grace

I believe in God –
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who bestows on all His creation that which is good and loving.

I believe in God’s grace:
His unmerited favor
showered upon all
who call on the name of Jesus.

I confess the hurt I have caused and the harm of my neglect.
I have turned a deaf ear to Your word and have hardened my heart to my neighbor.
I believe that only by Your grace have I received forgiveness
in Christ.

By Your grace I am redeemed
By Your grace I am restored
By Your grace I am revived.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Call to Worship - Because of the Nails

To this gathering for worship
All are welcome

To the saint and sinner – welcome
To the confident and confused – welcome
To the bruised and the broken - welcome
To the believer and the doubter – welcome
To the sweet and, yes even, the sour – welcome

You are not here today by accident
God wanted you present in this place and at this time
so here you are

This is a gathering of God’s family
Birthed not because of age or economic status or skin color or politics
but formed by the hammering of nails on a wooden cross.

Come let us worship and bow down
Let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Below the Surface

A welcome statement to help worship be real in their time with God.

Welcome to worship
Come into His courts with thanksgiving
Come into His presence with praise

Come to worship; and be assured
You can come just as you are

You look good this morning
You showered and shaved
You did your hair and your makeup
You put on your “goin’ to Sunday meetin' clothes”

But how about below the surface?

Are you weary or fearful,
Anxious or angry?

Have you disappointed someone this week?
Have you disappointed yourself?
Do you feel like you disappointed God?

Come just as you are

Hear the Spirit’s call
Take off the mask
Lower the barriers

Open your ears to hear
Open your eyes to see
Open your heart to Jesus

Come, let us worship the Lord.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

For a Service of Healing

A Call to Worship for a morning service teaching from James 5:13-20 with reference to God's healing.

Welcome to worship …
all fellow sufferers of the ravages
of our first parents’ sin.

All are welcome, who in this time and place
seek the healing of emotions and spirit,
of thinking and responding.
Who plead for health of bodies.

You are welcome
who groan with all creation
while eagerly awaiting the redemption of your bodies
through your adoption as daughters and sons of God.

All are welcome in this place
The Father wants you to seek His face
We are all broken in this place
So rest in His amazing grace.

Welcome to worship.